Cleaner & Degreaser
Prior to installing PROTOCOL Heat Transfer Fluids, your system should be properly cleaned to insure years of trouble free service.
PROTOCOL System Cleaner and Degreaser are highly effective in removing rust, scale, oil, and grease from new materials of construction. After the cleaning procedure is completed, the system should be thoroughly flushed with good quality water.
For a detailed step-by-step process, please reference the Procedures Document located on the PROTOCOL SC-101 Product Page.
Industrial System Cleaner
PROTOCOL SC-101 is a water soluble complex blend of chelating and sequestering agents dissolved in deionized water. The system cleaner functions by converting water-insoluble compounds into water soluble compounds, making the removal of unwanted contaminants effortless, opposed to an acid cleaning and caustic neutralizer. Compounds containing the elements of copper, aluminum, zinc, iron and lead are also converted into water soluble compounds.
System Cleaner 101 is a non-corrosive, non-alkaline, easy to use cleaner that does not require the same number of exhausting, repetitious and time consuming water rinses normally associated with most acid cleanings.
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Industrial System Degreaser
PROTOCOL SD-102 is a water-soluble complex blend of anionic and nonionic surface-active agents blended into deionized water. The system degreaser is designed to “wet” the entire surface area, dissolve scales and remove hydrocarbon foulants such as oil, grease, tars and coke. When used in conjunction with the PROTOCOL SC-101; degreasing and descaling is accomplished in less time and dissolves scales quickly.
PROTOCOL SD-102 contains wetting agents designed to foam while being mechanically circulated in the system. Once agitated, scales and other debris become entrained in the cleaning solution for easy removal during draining and flushing.
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Heat Transfer Fluids
PROTOCOL heat transfer fluids are chemically engineered to provide superior corrosion protection utilizing our neutralized ortho-phosphate inhibition technology (NoPit).
Our NoPit™ inhibitors passivate system metals without fouling critical heat transfer surfaces.
PROTOCOL coolants containing NoPit™inhibitors will enhance the buffering characteristics of the coolant and provide additional reserve alkalinity.
PROTOCOL heat transfer fluids are dyed for leak detection and can be color-matched to meet your existing coolant color.
Ethylene glycol based low temp coolant
PROTOCOL LT is an industrially inhibited heat transfer fluid developed specifically for the lower temperature HVAC&R industry. The LT series has been chemically engineered for superior corrosion protection and long fluid life by using the latest corrosion inhibition technology.
PROTOCOL LT fluids operate exceptionally well in the low temperature range for the following applications:
- HVAC (Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning)
- Refrigeration
- Ice Bank Systems
- Vapor Recovery Systems
- Waste Heat Recovery
- Process Heating and Cooling
- Ice Skating Rinks
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Ethylene glycol based high temp coolant
PROTOCOL HT is an industrial grade coolant formulated for higher temperature, heavy-duty operations. PROTOCOL HT is compatible with nationally recognized industrial coolants engineered for heavy-duty, continuous use applications.
The higher temperature tolerance of our HT coolant makes it well suited for the following applications:
- Natural Gas Compression Engines
- Direct or Indirect Fired Line Heaters
- High and Low Speed Stationary Engines
- Standby Generators
- LNG Vaporizers
- Air Compressor Engines
- Heat Tracing Applications
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Ethylene glycol based heavy duty coolant
PROTOCOL HD is an industrial grade coolant formulated for higher temperature, heavy-duty continuous use operations.
PROTOCOL HD includes additional ferrous metal inhibitors designed to mitigate cavitation corrosion on wet-sleeve liners in natural gas fired engines.
The higher temperature tolerance of our HD coolant makes it well suited for the following applications:
- Natural Gas Compression Engines
- Direct or Indirect Fired Line Heaters
- High and Low Speed Stationary Engines
- Standby Generators
- LNG Vaporizers
- Air Compressor Engines
- Heat Tracing Applications
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Ethylene glycol based off-road antifreeze
Sub-Zero ACP is a heavy duty ethylene glycol based antifreeze developed specifically for use in over-the-road, off-road, and mining equipment. Sub-Zero ACP provides superior heat transfer and corrosion protection for the mixed metal systems found in diesel and gasoline combustion engines.
Sub-Zero ACP also can be used in natural gas engines, direct/indirect fired line heaters, and standby generators. Sub-Zero ACP was formulated for superior heat transfer efficiency in the high or low temperature range and is ideally suited for the following applications:
- Off-road equipment
- Over-the-road equipment
- Mining equipment
- Diesel/Gasoline combustion engines
- Direct/indirect fired line heaters
- Natural gas engines
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Propylene glycol based multi purpose coolant
PROTOCOL NT is a nontoxic heat transfer fluid developed for a multitude of industrial service applications requiring a propylene glycol base. Our NoPit inhibitor package contains organic and inorganic corrosion inhibitors to protect single or mixed metal systems.The higher reserve alkalinity of PROTOCOL NT enhances the neutralization of organic acids formed by glycol, which extends the service life of the fluid.
Listed below are some typical applications for this product:
- Natural Gas Heaters
- GSHP Systems
- Ice-Melt Systems
- Ice Rinks
- HVAC & R Systems
- Waste Heat Recovery
- LNG Vaporizers
- Natural Gas Compression Engines
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Propylene glycol based food-grade coolant
PROTOCOL FG is formulated with FCC grade propylene glycol for applications where the possibility of incidental food contact exists and/or when a nontoxic coolant is mandated by law. PROTOCOL FG blends meet the criteria established by the USDA and exceed the quality requirements listed in the Food Chemicals Codex under FCC Title 21 CFR 184.1666. PROTOCOL FG also meets the requirements of the Grade A Pasteurization Milk Ordinance established by the United States Dairy Industry.
Applications include:
- Immersion Freezing
- Defrosting Refrigeration Coils
- Chilling Liquid Foods
- Carbonated Beverage Packaging
- Milk Pasteurization
- Fermentation-Tank Cooling
- Dehumidification
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Propylene glycol based RV/Marine coolant
PROTOCOL RV ANTIFREEZE is formulated with Propylene Glycol and inorganic inhibitors for corrosion and burst protection to -50°F. PROTOCOL RV ANTIFREEZE is commonly used for winterizing the potable water and plumbing systems in recreational vehicles. Other applications include boats, vacation homes, swimming pools, and a variety of others that require seasonal cold storage protection.
PROTOCOL RV ANTIFREEZE is a non-toxic coolant formulated to protect humans, animals, and the environment against the possibility of incidental contact with the product.
PROTOCOL RV ANTIFREEZE is blended with deionized water to meet your specification for burst and/or freeze point depression.
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Triethylene glycol based liquid desiccant
DELTA~THERM LD is an inhibited triethylene glycol formulation developed for natural gas dehydration systems. DELTA~THERM LD controls corrosion on piping, contact towers, atmospheric reboilers, still columns and heat exchangers.
DELTA~THERM LD provides additional buffering characteristics and increases reserve alkalinity, which means greater fluid stability and longer service life. The higher reserve alkalinity coupled with other proprietary inhibitors not only protects system metals, but also neutralizes acid gases in the still column and extends the life of the equipment most exposed to hot vapors during operation.
DELTA~THERM LD is compatible with most industrially inhibited triethylene glycol formulations designed for natural gas and/or air dehydration systems. This product can be safely commingled with existing fluids that have the same glycol base.